Today was the first visit to the vet for the ratties. I stuffed the pet carrier with their blankets and tucked in their favourite hammock. They were quite pleased about that, seeing as the hammock has a pocket for them to hide in.

The vet was lovely with them and Lily clearly found a new best friend - she spent most of the visit in the vet's arms, happily being stroked. Layla was quite frightened unfortunately, and as soon as I opened the carrier she dived down my shirt. Bless her.

They're both on a small amount of Baytril due to a very mild possible respiratory infection, but this should hopefully clear them up nicely. They were pleased to go home and were even more thrilled when I returned the walnut that I'd confiscated the previous night (at 4am they started bashing it against the cage door to try and open the shell!)